Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sapphire's Likes and Dislikes

Likes: Sour Cream, Mountain Dew, People Magazine, gossip not related to me, Reality TV, tight white football player pants, Chili's, drunk texting and picture taking, Spades, 1995, traveling, Las Vegas, little people, Chardonnay, the beach, palm trees.

Dislikes: fanny packs, dream catchers, people, traffic, slow drivers in Florida, stuffed animals in rear car windows, drunk texting and picture taking.

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Mother's Advice

There was recently a crazy gunman on the loose in downtown Orlando. My mother called me at 1pm, and asked where I was. I told her that I ran home to grab my laptop but was headed out. Here is how the rest of the conversation went:
Mom: You really should stay home til they apprehend him.
Me: Thanks Mom, but I have something called a job, and last I checked, they're paying my bills so I'm going to risk this one.
Mom: Well, watch out. I hear that he's wearing khaki pants and a polo shirt.
Me: Perfect. That really narrows it down.
It was nice that she called with concern, but my mother is one of those people who is extremely funny without telling a single joke. She literally just named my neighbor Jim, my boss Paul, all of the guys at the Orlando Country Club, and most of Corporate America on a Friday.